Olomana (first peak)

View from the first peak to the second and third peaks

Did Olomana after telling myself I wouldn't.. Well, that didn't seem to work. But to be honest, I'm glad I did it. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be and took us about an hour and a half without the time spent on top taking pictures to do the whole thing. The beginning of the hike it covered and starts gradually and slowly gets more inclined. When you get to the parts where you're kind of rock climbing and there are ropes, the end is near.

The only part that I was a little sketched out was the climb at the very end to get to the top of the first peak. You kind of have to scale rocks to get to the top and I'm afraid of heights... Not deathly afraid but pretty scared of them. There's some space on the top of the first peak to sit where people can go around you if they have to. It actually didn't look too bad going to the second peak but the view from the first is said to be the best of the three so I passed.

A few notes before hiking this: wear proper hiking material (saw some girls wearing jean shorts...good luck) , bring water and perhaps a snack (as with most hikes), do not leave valuables in your car (you'll probably notice the broken glass when you park), do not rely solely on the ropes because there have been incidents where they broke, and use your own judgment. If you don't think you can make it, don't go. Don't risk your life because someone peer pressures you or you feel obligated to finish. Other than that, have fun!

The view looking back down where we came from